STRATCO were proud to be apart of this project alongside Stu Fox from Enviro Power Inc. We hope to do a lot more projects like this again in the further to facilitate new customers in incentivizing their emerging technologies. Thanks Habitat Magazine for including us in this article!

LL84 – Energy Benchmarking, Getting Ahead Of The Curve

Do you understand your letter grade? Did you know there are various things you can do now to get ahead of LL84 due May 1, 2021? Engage STRATCO for best practices related to your energy benchmarking. Take this as an opportunity to decrease your energy consumption. STRATCO will do your benchmarking for FREE with a [...]

Tune In To The Podcast Episode 042: Robert Sedaghatpour  

(REAL ESTATE REALITY CHECK) Today we have with us Robert Sedaghatpour, the principal and managing member of STRATCO Property Group, who among the vast array of real estate talents and skillsets he possesses, and services his company provides to the real estate industry, is someone who seemingly has made the classic song “Why Can’t We [...]

By |2020-03-03T15:58:05+00:00August 29th, 2019|Habitat Magazine Article featuring STRATCO Property Solutions|Comments Off on Tune In To The Podcast Episode 042: Robert Sedaghatpour  

Investor Perspective: Multifamily Outlook Under The New Rent Laws

(HOLM & O'HARA LLP) New York’s Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 was signed into law less than a month ago.  Since that time, there has been a flurry of articles covering the specifics of the law, some analysis of how the new law might impact rents differently than the old law and [...]

By |2020-03-03T15:58:05+00:00July 11th, 2019|Habitat Magazine Article featuring STRATCO Property Solutions|Comments Off on Investor Perspective: Multifamily Outlook Under The New Rent Laws
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